To understand the relationships between dissolved oxygen in a stream, stream temperature, organic waste loads, and stream conditions by studying and using a model of dissolved oxygen in the stream.
Intended audience:
Junior or senior in high school through undergraduate students
Subject areas:
Environmental science, earth science, civil engineering, water resources
Brown, Linfield C. and Thomas O. Barnwell Jr., 1987. The Enhanced Stream Quality Models QUAL2E and QUAL2-E-UNCAS: Documentation and Users Manual. Athens, GA: USEPA Environmental Research Laboratory. EPA/600/2-87/007.
Churchill, M.A., H.L. Elmore and R. A. Buckingham, 1962. "The Prediction of Stream Reaeration Rates", International Journal of Air and Water Pollution, Vol. 6, pp. 467-504.
Streeter, H.W. and E. B. Phelps, 1925. Study of the Pollution and Natural Purification of the Ohio River. U.S. Public Health Service, Washington, D.C., Bulletin No. 146 (Reprinted 1958).
Water on the Web.