The purpose of this model is to solve the wave equation in
1 dimension. In this case a wave on a string is being modeled,
with the user able to change the tension, length, and mass of the string,
and able to fix either end of the string.
The applet has 4 main sections: the graph, parameter controls, model
controls, and graph controls.
The Graph
The graph is viewed in the upper left hand corner of the applet. You
may view the result of the model either as a graph of the height of
each segment of the wave as a function of time, or as a bar graph
which can be animated to show how the height of each segment changes
over time.
Parameter Controls
The parameter controls are on the right side of the applet. You may either
enter a number in the box or move the slider bar to control each parameter.
celln: controls the initial height of the nth segment of
the wave.
fixedn: controls whether cell n is fixed. Can be set to
either 1 (fixed) or 0 (not fixed).
length: controls the length of the string.
mass: controls the mass of the string.
resistance: controls the degree to which air resistance slows the string.
tension: controls the tension of the string.
Model Controls
The model controls are located in the lower left corner
of the applet, and share space on the screen with the graph
controls. If the graph controls are currently displayed, select
model controls from the pull down menu just below the graph.
You may change the initial and final time in the model, the
time step, the integration method, whether or not an adaptive
step is used, and the maximum and minimum display values.
A status message will alert you to the current status of the model.
If you request a very small time step or long model time, wait until
the message no longer says "RUNNING" to make changes to the model.
Graph Controls
The graph controls are located in the lower left corner
of the applet, and share space on the screen with the model
controls. If the model controls are currently displayed, select
graph controls from the pull down menu just below the graph.
You may choose which segments of the string to include in your
display. You can also enable a trace feature in the line graph, auto scale
your results to fit the screen, or request text output suitable for
copying and pasting into a spreadsheet.
Things to try
Reflected Waves
Use the default start options (left hand side of string is free,
right hand side is fixed, pulse starts on left side of string) and
watch the wave propagate. Turn the resistance down to 0. When the
wave reflects, does the reflected pulse appear on the top or bottom
of the string. Try reversing the situation. Fix cell 1, create a pulse
in cell 2, and fix cell 9. You may want to change the tension, mass,
or length to try and slow the model down a little, it will make the
reflection easier to see.
Standing waves
Fix both ends of the wave, and displace the string in a smooth
arch, similar to a sine curve. Run the model. What happens to the
wave? It should have the properties of a standing wave (the string
just vibrates back and forth, no pulses travel up and down the wave).
Can you find other standing waves? Does it make a difference if
one end of the string is not fixed?